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Retreating Back To Your Roots

Fri, 22 Mar



Shamanic Healing, Kundalini & Yin Yoga, Gong Sound Healing, lead by Madeline Diaz Meiners and Jackie Ingham

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Retreating Back To Your Roots
Retreating Back To Your Roots

Time & Location

22 Mar 2024, 16:00 – 25 Mar 2024, 11:00

Cumbria, Coniston Water LA21, UK

About the event

Retreating Back To Your Roots is our newest modality, drawing from many different sacred disciplines including Shamanic Healing,  Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga and the vibrations of Gong Sound Healing. 

Lead by Madeline Diaz Meiners and Jackie Ingham, this retreat encourages deep introspection, healing from a subconscious level to lift the veils of illusion as you go beyond the ego reuniting you to your true authentic self - a self that is immensely valuable, completely unique and naturally confident. 

We welcome you to Retreat Back To Your Roots, as we hold the space to give you opportunity to relax, reflect and reconnect with yourself and nature.

Retreat package - 3 nights accommodation, all meals and the full retreat programme-

  • Yoga Workshops  - Morning 2hrs & Evening 2hrs - Kundalini Yoga & Sound; Yin Yoga & Sound
  • Shamanic Healing Workshops - 3hr Meet Your Power Animal Circle; 3hr Full Moon Releasing Ceremony Circle; Moon Bathing Meditation and Grounding & Connecting Meditation; 
  • Sound healing - Crystal bowls; Shamanic Drums; Gong Soundbaths
  • Mantra Chanting (healing sound vibration)
  • Kirtan (singing mantras to music)
  • Yoga Nidra (deep semi hypnotic relaxation)
  • Philosophy to deepen and enhance your understanding of yoga and the subtle body
  • Guided walks in nuture
  • Vegan gluten free nutitional plated meals. 

Additional Extras - Massages and facials from our onsite therapists.

Meet Your Power Animal Circle:  Meeting your power animal can provide you with deeper insights into our life and help us to make decisions with clarity and foresight.  They can also be seen as protectors during difficult times in our lives and for example when we are in a 'negative' or challenging situation. Meeting your power animal can be a profound and enriching experience.

Moon Bathing (fully clothed!):  A guided meditation under the nearly full moon. 

Full Moon Releasing Ceremony Circle:  A Full Moon releasing ceremony is a powerful ritual designed to help us let go of anything that we no longer need to carry.  The Full Moon is a time of culmination, clarity, and closure, making it ideal for releasing negative patterns, habits, or emotions that you want to clear from your life.

Kundalini & Yin Yoga Workshops lead by Madeline Diaz Meiners (founder of Ananda Yoga Retreats) :

Yin works on the subconscious mind, unravelling the stuff we never truly dealt with at the opportune moment when it was held in the conscious mind. As a modern society of suppressants and consumers, we have become masterful at avoiding any kind of emotional discomfort. Over time, all our residual traumas become so deeply ingrained into the subtle fascia layers of our bodies, that they form part of the pysche, lurking deep within, waiting to be later triggered over and over again.

When you practice Yin yoga, you are creating nuturing space within the body and mind, to be present and to experience all of your emotions in full without the feeling of overwhelment. Learning the art of softening, of letting go, and allowing your emotions be present encourages the body to heal and release. Suppressing our feelings day by day becomes exhausting on the mind. Yin yoga creates an internal environment which encourages the mind and body to let go of emotions that aren't serving us well, and become aware of the things that need more of our attention. This helps work through mental blockages and find more peace, as the practice heals us deeply on a cellular level.

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. We systematically train our mind and attune our body to hold higher frequencies of energy associated with Kundalini and consciousness, releasing blockages to the reservoirs of untapped energy within us, balancing the subtle sytems of nadis (energy channels) and realigning the chakras. When energy moves freely through the chakras, it stimulates the mental, physical, and spiritual health of the being. There is a clarity that arises that combines perception, thought, and intuition. Kundalini Yoga is known to assist change and self-limiting habit, bringing equilibrium to the glandular system and revitalising the nervous systems.

Pricing - 

Single Occupancy Room - 2 available £690pp 

Twin / Triple Room - 3 available - £520pp  

Shared Room  - £490pp - 

Deposits - 

Single Occupancy - £200 

Twin Room - £200 

Shared - £100


"As long as I can remember I have had an interest in natural healing and the old ways of promoting health. I love nature and the magic of life. With nearly 30 years’ experience as a therapist, I undertook my first massage course around 28 years ago after my second daughter was born. I absolutely loved it and subsequently went on to qualify in many other holistic therapies including: Reflexology, Reiki (to Master Teacher Level), Indian Head Massage, Cupping, Moxibustion, Hot Stones Massage, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Holistic Facials, Metamorphic Technique and my own creation Reiki FaceLift Facial. Amongst  the other Holistic treatments that I carry out are Deep Tissue, Remedial, Swedish Body Massage and Trigger Point Therapy.

10  years ago I undertook a one-to-one, two year apprenticeship with Jayne Johnson and have used these skills for myself in my life and also in my work as a therapist. Since then, I have completed Yr1, Yr2 & Yr3, 4 years training as a Shamanic Healing Practitioner down in Glastonbury with Kestrel & Jay Oakwood.

I have been following the pull to Glastonbury a few times a year for around 20 years for my own spiritual sustenance and have taken friends down with me to show them the magical places. I have experienced Vision Quests & ‘Nature Sit Outs’ outside, alone overnight in nature and in 2017, I visited Sedona, Arizona, to spend time in the spiritual vortices and red rocks, which I found to be a profound experience, toured the Grand Canyon and travelled through the Navajo desert, visiting sacred sites.

I have been running Women’s Circles for around 8 years, run workshops and organise retreats. I have visited many sacred sites all around the country and Cornwall. I have worked with Inner Child Work and fascinated  by epigenetics - how emotions, issues and physical symptoms can be passed down to us from our ancestors via our DNA. I will never tire of learning.  I have regular Supervision and hold a Certificate in Introduction to Counselling. I qualified as an NLP Practitioner in 2004 and as a Master Practitioner in 2005.

I have held a Diploma in Life Coaching since 2007. I am also a Reiki Drum Practitioner, a member of the NFSH (National Federation of Spiritual Healing) and the FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapy).


Ancient shamanic healing techniques have been passed down for thousands of years. Today, this ancient form of healing continues to help people through shamanic methods and practices. Shamanic Healing works with the spiritual aspect of ourselves (who we really are – a spiritual being in a human body). We often lose or give away our personal power which can cause many problems and difficulties including anxiety, depression, chronic illness, guilt, shame or a series of misfortunes.

Ancient  Shamanic techniques are used to restore the person’s lost power and energy. An individual may also have lost or be missing part of their soul, or essence, which is called ‘Soul Loss’, which quite often occurs during an emotional or physical trauma, such as an accident, surgery, abuse, being in a natural disaster, divorce, relationship break down, child birth, the death of a loved one or other traumatic circumstances that cause shock.

Soul loss can result in dissociation, post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression, illness, immune deficiency problems, addictions, unending grief or coma. Soul loss can prevent us from creating healthy relationships and from living the life we truly wish to live and realising our full potential. One of the roles of the Shamanic practitioner is to guide the client to retrieve their ‘lost’ or ‘absent’ soul parts.

Another cause of illness, from a shamanic perspective, would be any negative energies a person has taken on, due to the loss of his or her power or soul parts. These spiritual blockages can also cause illness, usually in a localized area of the body. Shamanic work extracts these harmful energies from the body.

Shamanic Healing includes some of the following techniques which, once we have had a consultation, can use depending on how I feel it would be most useful for the client, sometimes it is one technique that is used and sometimes it is a combination, depending on how the session unfolds.A full Shamanic Healing ends with Energy, Voice & Sound Healing, after we have completed the first half of the session, which is relaxing and enjoyable.

Energy, Voice & Sound Healing – frees negative and/or unhelpful energy within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual auras. This

can be used for individual, tailor-made healing; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health maintenance and relaxation and as a ‘stand-alone’ healing session.

Cord Cutting – we can have invisible cords that attach us to people, places, past situations, unhelpful memories etc., cutting and releasing these cords that are unhelpful for us, that drain us and keep us attached to the person, situation, feeling etc.

This technique cuts the cords that bind us, thereby leaving a sense of feeling a lot lighter and freer.

Power Exchange – helps with recent or long-standing issues with others that an individual ‘cannot shake off’ or ‘get over’. You will regain your power that has been taken from you or you have given in the past, due to a person having a ‘power over’ you situation etc. Perhaps they have taken your happiness, your joy or your confidence. You will feel more empowered and strong after this.

Regression – this explores the person’s past, to discover patterns they are holding that are no longer serving them, i.e., guilt, shame, fear, anger, rage to name a few and release these feelings. Again, a sense of freedom and lightness is usually felt after this has taken place.

Soul Retrieval – helps regain the soul parts that have been lost due to shock and/or trauma, for example accidents, operations, child birth, relationship break ups, divorce, emotional abuse, ‘power over’ relationships. Soul retrieval helps you regain these soul parts to become more of the ‘you’ you are meant to be.

Ancestral Genetic Regression – this can help clear emotional problems and issues that have been ‘passed down’ through our DNA (Epi-genetics, now scientifically proven) from our ancestors that we’ve always assumed were ‘our own stuff’ but could not understand how the problems/issues keep repeating themselves. Quite often, feelings/issues that we are experiencing and having trouble resolving, are passed down through our genetics - and this healing can help us see where the pattern started, and is repeating from, and be cleared.

Clearing of negative attachments & blocks – can be caused by negative thought forms.  This is a very deep powerful healing session, blocks are extracted so you can feel freer, lighter and move forward more purposefully with your life.

Shamanic Healing Massage – This is a combination of massage and Energy, Voice & Sound Healing."


Madeline Diaz Meiners, spiritual name Ananda and founder of Ananda Yoga Retreats Ibiza, has 20 years of yoga experience, with a rich and varied background, enabling her to connect with clients from all walks of life. With a therapeutic background in Satyananda Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga and Sound Healing and having experienced her own turmoils and major life changes, her life's focus is to enable others to find serenity and strength within themselves.

Madeline’s professional background also lies in high levels of customer service within the hospitality industry and she also runs and owns several yoga studios within the UK, whilst maintaining the ethics and spirituality of its practice.

Madeline has spent several years creating and initiating yoga teacher training schools and has mentored and guided many yogis from students to teachers. She is absolutely committed to sharing her passion for yoga and her passion for business, travel and adventure with others. Ananda Yoga Retreats has been created after many dedicated years of hard work, client care and passionate practice.

"Being a person that likes to live a life without limits, and after many years of travel, including years of living in Ibiza and Argentina, in 2017 I decided to come back to my spiritual home of Ibiza to open Ananda Yoga Retreats. Following the succession of many seasons in Ibiza and a few major universal set backs, I felt a draw to reside closer to my routes and family, which created the fantastic opportunity for Ananda Yoga Retreats in The Lake District.

Directed by the flow of the Universe, we now have two incredible venues located in both Ibiza and Coniston, of which I am humbled to now call the permanent home of Ananda Yoga Retreats."


  • Shared Room Deposit

    Sale ended
  • Single Occupancy Deposit

    Sale ended
  • Twin Room Deposit

    1 ticket per person

    Sale ended



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